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Is the RECESSION what we NEEDED??

Ok, so I opened the bag...and it smelled disgusting. Sometimes that's just the aroma of life!

Lets talk kick some real knowledge tonight, on a "GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER" vibe...Capitalism (free-market system) has been hailed as a driving force behind the advances of the United States for many years. However, the current dilemma has caused many to question the good that comes from Capitalism because of the fact that it depends on constant consumption, and that consumption has been resulting in more bad than good as of late *for example, you may be one of millions who have recently been laid off, on some bullshit*, with regard to this recession the country has fallen into. While the system can’t be seen as the only reason for the country to be in a less than favorable situation, this lecture gives the necessary justification to place the blame on Capitalism for the eventual destruction of the foundation of the country, along with clarification of this country’s separation of classes not being what it seems. In other words, the way we set shit up, this was SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.

In feudal times the separation of classes was the bourgeoisies vs. the proletariat. Respectively, this was generally the separation of rich vs. the poor, and after a more in-depth analysis, the separation of “owners” and “workers”.

OWNER refers to the group in control of the resources of the land that the people live off of. WORKER refers to the men and women that work for what it is they need, that the owner can provide, to sustain their livelihoods.

In our Capitalist society, the bourgeoisies and proletariat have been further divided into the Upper, Middle, and Lower Classes. The Upper class still consists of the owners of resources; the Lower class consists of those who work day by day just to get by, often with the most degrading & monotonous occupations. The Middle Class is portrayed as privileged workers, more comfortable than the average member of the Lower Class, but far from the income level of the Upper Class.

Major property, and outside “ownership” of certain high-price possessions mark members of the middle class. Yet, the middle class is exposed as only a distraction from the exact same situation of Owner vs. Worker. The middle class isn’t much better off than the lower class because of the fact that the middle class still consists of those who work for members of the upper class, one termination away from poverty. The distraction serves as the tranquilizer that keeps the members of the failing system in a state of peace, in order to ‘delay’ the inevitable revolution that is expected to take place in response to it.

Capitalism’s flaw lies in its basic formula. The bigger business sustains itself, and grows only by consumption of smaller businesses. From 1820-1970, the average worker in the United States produced more each year, as the years passed. Wages were increasing every decade, along with profits, a time that corporations took full advantage of as expected. As this production spike leveled out, money lost value, businesses left the country, and outsourcing had an effect on the work force.

The working class experienced the end of these rising wages, needing second and third jobs, and working more hours to compensate for money’s loss of value. In spite of this, in the 20th century CEO’s were earning 46 times the normal wage, and now they earn an astonishing 450 times the normal wage.

However, these deep pockets won’t be much help when the various media translations and propaganda fail to obscure the true classes of our country enough to keep society under control and content. The recession is difficult to endure, but with these observations taken under consideration, it’s only the beginning of the worst to come.

The idea i'm trying to push forward is that we get tricked into believing shit all the time. The same people who get the flashy car with nowhere to rest their heads, are doing so much more than that. In order for the big suit to stay in power, the little guys need to stay in their places. SADLY, a lot of us actually do that.

Content with a bitch, bottle, and blunt, while not making any progress toward anything but a re-up. Not a go. There's a lot to be done, but it won't get started if nobody says shit. Hopefully, this cycle Hip-Hop is going through will give the community a little more insight, with respect to wanting to become an OWNER rather than live life as the most PRIVILEGED WORKER you can be.

Don't even pass that to the left yet...Steam it for a lil, permission granted...Wahh!


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