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Fans or Talent?

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Soooooo.....I'm sitting in a very heavy upper cloud mode with this kush and the thought comes to mind. What is more important as an up and coming performer in the entertainment industry, fans or talent? Firstly let's specify what "fans" means. A fan is anyone who supports your work and art enough to either come to your shows on a regular basis or someone who pays you for your services; i.e Club Promoters, to me, are just fans with a venue. So with that being said now we have to give the benefits of both:

- able to support you at a show and show other people that you have a following or "buzz".
- high class fans or "promoters" are people who can book you and help spread your name.
- able to purchase your music and make you money.

.......... leaving the rest open to comments and speculation...........

- gives you the ability to be booked more than once with the same group of "promoters".
- gives people that have actual pull in your career the ammunition they need to take you to the next level.
- allows the performer to expand his clientele in a more rapid manner by having mass appeal in his art.


*****When commenting please remember to take into account that this is for a person who is UP and COMING not an ESTABLISHED artist!!!******

On a personal level, I need to stick with talent on this one. Fans are all well and good, but local bands and stand up comics have fans, but most lack what I NEED....Millions. Why?! You ask? The answer is simple yet again....Talent perks ears. It gives the people that are always listening to the same stuff over and over the chance to actually DO their job. At the end of the day, fans don't have the say that the almighty label reps do so I guess they are deemed as less crucial to your overall success. The public follows whatever the media deems as "trendy", therefore, fans can be attained after a signing as opposed to talent, which is the end all and be all to the actual signing. You get the point....NOW EXPAND ;0)

From the Upper Cloud.............DJ PM


Cly! Host of "The 4/20 Lounge"! said...

wat up boy..came 2 show my brothers love on yall blog spot...but id dis situation as da music industry is currently im gunna have 2 go with fans on this one. 10-12 yearz ago hip hop was soley based on talent (hence why rappers like biggie, Pac, and Wu-Tang were on top) but now the game is more of a "gimmick" than a actual artist possessing pure talent. Flo_rida, Soulja Boy, and Wakka Flakka arent particularly talented rappers but their fan base is crazy because of their catchy songs. 2010 fans got it

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