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Is Fate Predetermined?

So....I'm in this "TYPE" of mood right now.....

Fate. Is it something that you believe in? Whether outwardly or subconsciously, most of us will answer yes to this question. Have you ever looked up in the sky and just wondered "what do you have in store for me"? I'm not talking about religion, I am talking strictly about the stars and the power that they seem to possess.
People believe that you make your own destiny in many cases. The argument to that would be how can you make your own destiny? By making decisions, and these decisions can in fact be swayed by both the constellations alignment and lunar activity. So, with that being said, does making your own destiny still count for as much? Obviously you are going to sway towards giving yourself credit and that is deserved, but to what degree? For instance, why do you think that it is a proven fact that the stars and moon can change our frame of mind and put us in a trance or psychosis? It seems strange that we can be swayed by something so far away.
That makes me believe that there HAS to be a reason. I have literally sat and pondered this dozens of times, weighing both ends, and now I know that there has to be a reason. It makes no sense why we can be coaxed into doing things during eclipses and what not. In conclusion, sit down, do what you with your "vibe", and ponder this one!


Cly! Host of "The 4/20 Lounge"! said...

I believe in faith, but i feel it's very 'conditional'. I say that to say, fate couldn't make me fall off a cliff, if I never put myself in a position to be on top of one. I've never been big on astronomy, with respect to its effects on humans, other than physically, so its difficult for me to comment on that.

Personally, i feel its easy to say that people make different decisions based on settings all the time, regardless of where the stars are. Unless one could bring me back in time, and change where the stars were -and nothing else in the situation- without me knowing, and observe a change in decision, I don't see how that theory can be proven.

There's a reason, for everything. I'd just like better understanding of the stars effects...

Dawnie said...

I'm sure that everyone would like to believe in fate.. Personally I believe that it comes in the form of.. Your inthe right place at the right time.. It's not about WHAT you know.. It's WHO you know!!! Talent is always great but doesn't always get you that foot in the door that you need.. You must have a need people who believe in you.. A team if you will behind you.. Also things won't just fall in your lap you need to work for it and put yourself in positive situations to get that!! Cause you need that ;) .. I believe that everyone has the destiny of being whatever it is that they want.. Some people are willing to work harder then others.. And some people are content with having a "normal" lifestyle.. Everyone can't be a superstar .. You gotta be cut out for it!!! It's very hard and thts why so few make it.. You risk a lot.. Time away from family, friends, significant others. You hear all artisit writing about how you have more money more problems as biggie says.. But in the end is it all worth it of course!!!! I think everyone makes there own destiny it's not handed to you.. The decisions you make through life alter every other so think hard before u make one lol ;)

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